Traveling classroom Spanish courses are designed for anybody who likes to discover the wonders of our country and learn the Spanish language at the same time.

Ecuador is considered one of the safest countries in all of Latin America and one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Quito was recognized as the first Cultural Heritage of the Humanity by UNESCO, Galapagos Islands as the first Natural Heritage of the Humanity and Otavalo is recommended by guide books as the first destination to visit in Latin America because of having the most exotic and largest Indigenous Market in all of Latin America.

According to our experience teaching Spanish in Ecuador for 35 years, more than 60% of our Spanish students in all of our Spanish programs have been female and most of them travel alone. This exemplifies how friendly and safe our country is for travelers.

From the moment you arrive in our country, we take care of you by picking you up from the airport and assisting you minute by minute with everything you need and expect from us.

READ MORE: In order to offer you an authentic experience traveling across Ecuador, we have developed our Traveling Spanish programs with the use of public buses that we have known for almost 30 years. Public buses convey a sense of the everyday life of Ecuadorians. You’ll experience how they feel, act and experience their day-to-day lives. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how friendly Ecuadorians are when you strike up a conversation on the seat of a bus.

In indigenous villages, you can witness indigenous people bringing their animals on the bus early in the morning to sell in the markets or taking a chicken from the market to their homes located seemingly in the middle of nowhere!

Of course, if you are over 65 years old or traveling with kids, we recommend you opt for private transportation. To reserve this option, we will ask you to provide an additional 50% of the regular price to cover comfortable private transportation.

Accommodation designed for each night of the program is decided on and reserved in advance. These sites are the places where we have received the best service and the people have been very friendly to our Spanish students and us.

We will provide you with itineraries detailing your entire time with us. Activities you will participate in will provide you with a precious view of our country but will never include dangerous or hazardous activities that could put your life at risk, such as rafting in a dangerous river with a strong current. Of course, you will able to do these riskier activities during a designed free day but out of our responsibility! In all instances, in order to participate in our Spanish courses in Ecuador, we require you travel with a travel insurance that will protect you in case of any accident! We want to ensure you have a safe trip throughout your time in Ecuador!

Ecuador offers local, traditional and international food. Students are welcome to decide where and what to eat. Of course, some of our more adventurous Spanish students wish to try guinea pig or insects, which we normally don’t eat but are offered in the amazon jungle or the Indigenous villages. You are not obligated to eat these more exotic foods, but in case you’re an adventurous eater, we will warn you against any foods we believe are unsafe!

While traveling with us, you will find ATMs throughout the trip, including the Amazon, except deep inside the mountains or jungle. Because Traveling Classroom Spanish programs do not include meals, we recommend that everybody budget between US $ 8 to US $ 30 per day for meals, depending on what you eat. We advise traveling with some US $ cash to buy food or souvenirs.