Established in 1988, the Instituto Superior De Español is a leading Spanish language school in Ecuador. As a result of its consistent, high-quality Spanish language training and instruction, the Instituto Superior De Español has a well-earned reputation for academic excellence in teaching Spanish to foreigners of all ages.

Our mission is to fulfill all your language dreams and make your stay the best learning and exploring experience available in Ecuador.

With the Instituto Superior De Español, students have the opportunity to learn Spanish and travel throughout beautiful Ecuador. Our Spanish Institute offers official programs in several locations in Ecuador, such as Quito, Otavalo, The Galapagos Islands and Indigenous Communities located in the Amazon Jungle, where we offer our Amazon Eco-Lodge Spanish Program and an indigenous Shuar Community Amazon Program.


  • Combine our different official locations! We are flexible! You can study with us only in Quito, Otavalo, the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon Jungle, an Indigenous Community, a Travelling Classroom or combine 1 or more weeks in different locations with us.
  • We are the only Spanish school in Ecuador that has the same Spanish Institute in different locations. All of our Spanish teachers have the same university education and follow the same style of programs in each of our locations.
  • We organize a complete personal program for each Spanish student. Students can move from one location to another with their Spanish program continuing fluidly. When students move locations, their Spanish program is waiting for them at the next location. The classes move at your pace, with weekly progress checks.
  • We still are the only Spanish school in which 100% of our teachers have University degrees in Latin American Literature and Linguistics.
  • Free salsa lessons, and a weekly cooking party.
  • Weekly planned excursions.
  • Weekend excursions.
  • Quality accommodations with lovely Ecuatoriano families, or we can help you to arrange accommodation in a hostel or hotel.
  • Great value for your money – Our tuition and fees are affordable and competitive
  • Volunteer opportunities.
  • Diverse student backgrounds and a friendly and fun atmosphere.
  • Free internet WiFi at our school and all local families.
  • Other tours available.

We invite you to explore our website and look forward to assisting you in improving your Spanish proficiency while enjoying beautiful Ecuador… the heart of South America!